When don't I need a Licence?

By Neil

You must have the relevant high risk work (HRW) licence, unless:

  • the work is carried out while enrolled with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) completing training  for the relevant licence class and you are being supervised by a HRW licensed person
  • you have applied for the licence and are waiting for a decision on your application
  • the work is carried out at the workplace solely for the manufacture, testing, trialing, installation, commissioning, maintenance, servicing, repair, alteration, demolition or disposal of the plant or moving the plant within the workplace and the plant is operated or used without a load except when standard weight loads with predetermined fixing points are used for calibration of the plant
  • you are setting up or dismantling a crane or hoist and you hold the appropriate rigging licence
  • you are carrying our work with a heritage boiler.

Licences no longer required:

Discontinued licences that were previously issued by Workplace Health and Safety are:

  • building maintenance unit
  • bulk loader or ship loader
  • internal combustion locomotive
  • refrigeration plant
  • trencher
  • crane chaser
  • dragline
  • straddle carrier
  • cable way
  • explosive power tool
  • front-end loader/backhoe
  • front-end loader
  • skid steer loader
  • excavator
  • dozer
  • bridge or gantry crane with 3 or less powered operations
  • road roller
  • scraper
  • grader.

If you are conducting a business or undertaking, where a licence was previously required, you still have a duty to provide information, training, instruction and/or supervision necessary to ensure the health and safety of all persons.

Exemptions that have been converted into permanent arrangements

Operators with a bridge and gantry crane (remote) certificate are exempt from holding a dogging licence to sling their own loads.

Operating Earthmoving or Particular Crane (EPC) machinery in Crane Mode

While a certificate is no longer required to operate an earth moving or particular crane (EPC) occupational class of machinery, including operating it in crane mode, the PCBU with the management or control of the plant must ensure that operators are competent to use the equipment.

You should keep the evidence of the competency on the file as a record in the event of an incident.

If EPC machinery is used in crane mode to move a load you may require a dogging HRW licence.

There are limited circumstances where a person without a high risk work dogging (DG) licence can safely sling a load.

A competent person is able to sling a load, without holding a dogging HRW licence (or rigging) when there is no judgement required for slinging techniques or the suitability and the condition of lifting gear because the following factors are predetermined:

  • the weight of the load (or within a weight range) to be lifted is predetermined by a competent person (e.g. may be marked on the load)
  • selection of the sling and slinging techniques for the load is predetermined by a competent person
  • the condition of lifting gear is predetermined by a competent person
  • the lifting points are predetermined by a competent person and marked on the load
  • the load is lifted within the view of the operator at all times
  • standard lifting procedures have been documented and signed-off by a competent person.

A person with a high risk work dogging (DG) licence must be used if these circumstances are not met.

Link direct to WHS QLD for more info

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